This year, not only is the temperature breaking records, but holiday marketing is heating up as well. From political events and the Olympics to back-to-school shopping and the frenzy of Black Friday leading into Christmas, the holiday season is more packed than ever.

Courtney Hopkins, VP of Strategic Partnerships at Rokt, shares with MAD//Insights three critical trends that impact holiday spending and tips on optimising your holiday campaigns. Let’s briefly review them now since we all agree on this.

The Heat of Holiday Spending

The holidays become more intense every year. Post-pandemic holiday spending is rising and is expected to break $1 trillion in 2024. With shopping starting earlier than ever, advertisers must be ready to drive revenue and grow market share throughout this extended period.

Key Trends Shaping This Year’s Holiday Spending

1. AI is Supercharging Ads

AI is revolutionizing the ad industry. Currently, 83% of creatives utilize machine learning tools. Initially, these tools were used to refine the timing and targeting of ads. While ad bidding has become automated, audience segmentation is still mostly manual and limited. AI is changing this by enabling more personalized and flexible creative assets, allowing for scalable iterations. Beyond creative applications, AI and machine learning can help advertisers like Virgin Wines increase conversion rates while achieving significant CPA efficiencies.

2. Black Friday is Now Black Fall

The holiday rush is starting earlier. Retailers are no longer waiting for Cyber Week; instead, they are kicking off promotions well before Thanksgiving. Last year, Amazon led the way by starting its holiday promotions a week early. Customers, increasingly price-sensitive, are beginning their holiday shopping earlier to find the best deals. In 2022, Rokt observed that 37% of holiday shopping occurred in October, a figure expected to exceed 41% in 2024. Advertisers extending their promotions throughout the fall can capture early shoppers and maximize their holiday ROI.

3. Giving is the New Getting

Today’s consumers care deeply about social good. Advertisers can build trust by giving back. Rokt’s charity-focused campaigns have engagement rates three times higher than typical ads. This charitable approach benefits everyone—ecommerce platforms generate additional revenue with charity ads at checkout, and customers can support worthy causes. This allows all parties to celebrate the season of giving.

By embracing these trends, advertisers can capture the magic of the holiday season and attract new customers during peak engagement times.

Boost your marketing with audio ads

Veritonic’s research reveals that podcast ads outperform TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram for back-to-school and holiday deals. Key insights include:

  • 58% of consumers prefer podcast ads for back-to-school shopping.
  • 75% are interested in podcast ads for holiday shopping.
  • Discounts and deals in podcast ads significantly boost purchase intent.

Back-to-school spending expected to reach $81.16 billion (eMarketer). The average consumer plans to spend $475, a 21.8% increase from last year. This is the very good example that audio ads are crucial for capturing attention and worth to use for driving sales. Download the Veritonic research here.

The advantages of audio advertising

As the advertising landscape evolves, brands must reassess their media strategies. Veritonic’s latest research highlights the benefits of audio advertising, providing fresh insights into consumer sentiment and optimal frequency practices. Audio ads have proven to be particularly impactful, enhancing both purchase intent and brand awareness.

  • 60% of consumers remember audio and podcast ads more than billboards.
  • 49% recall audio ads more than display ads.
  • 48% recall audio ads more than video ads.
  • 33% remember audio ads more than social media ads.

This strong memorability translates into higher purchase intent:

  • 51% of consumers are more likely to purchase from an audio ad than a billboard ad.
  • 40% are more likely to buy from an audio ad than a social media ad.
  • 38% are more likely to buy from an audio ad than a display ad.
  • 34% are more likely to buy from an audio ad than a video ad.
  • 53% of consumers don’t mind hearing the same audio ad twice in one day as it helps with brand recall.
  • More than three repetitions can be annoying, with 55% finding it bothersome and 36% less likely to purchase from such ads.

Explore Veritonic’s Audio Ad Study for detailed insights and data here.

Why choose AdTonos?

  • 1.08 billion podcast playouts in the US only,
  • Premium audio ads with Amplifier technology,
  • Efficient targeting with curated deals.

Consumers are enthusiastic about engaging with brands through audio. For brands new to audio advertising, tools like Creative Measurement and Brand Lift can ensure targeted and effective ad campaigns.

By leveraging these insights and trends, marketers can make the most of this holiday season, ensuring their campaigns are effective and resonate with consumers.