The recent Sonic branding agency amp study suggests that synchronising audio with visual logos could yield more favourable outcomes than merely adding music.

The study, which involved 300 US-based participants, demonstrated a significant impact of audiovisual logos on brand perception. Participants were asked to evaluate 15 visual logos, both with and without accompanying sonic logos, based on various brand attributes. The findings revealed that audiovisual logos were perceived as more authentic, relatable, trustworthy, attention-grabbing, and likeable than visual-only logos. Alyssa Meyers provides an in-depth analysis of the study’s findings in the article “The most effective logos sync audio and visuals, report says,” featured in Marketing Brew.

Additionally, participants rated audiovisual logos as less generic and dull. Furthermore, an additional 300 participants were presented with audiovisual logos featuring no motion, motion synced to the audio, and unsynced motion. The logos with synced motion received higher ratings across positive attributes, being perceived as more authentic, unique, attention-grabbing, and likeable compared to the other logo styles.

The audiovisual logo study was featured in amp’s sixth annual Best Audio Brands report, with Mastercard leading the list as a result of its comprehensive sonic branding strategy and frequent usage. Bjorn Thorleifsson, amp’s director of research and insights, explained that the rankings are largely determined by a brand’s complete sonic identity and its frequency of use.

Following Mastercard, Shell secured the second position, with Swiss Re, AutoZone, and Norwegian telecom Telenor completing the top five. Notably, both Shell and Telenor were previous clients of amp. Additionally, prominent US brands in the top 10 included Old Spice and Burger King, the latter of which lacks an official sonic logo but has still made a substantial impact with its songs in social media. Other fast-food chains such as Popeyes and Little Caesars joined Burger King in the top 15. Surprisingly, McDonald’s and its memorable jingle failed to make the top 50, ranking at No. 81 on the list.

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