The best solution for radio broadcasters & online radio publishers!

Start your stream monetisation

Instant revenue

Make your stream cash flow positive from day one.

No integration

No need for any tech-savvy integration!

In & out

You may opt-in and opt-out at any time.

Automatic sales

No need to do anything. We’ll sell your inventory.


Every 30days you’ll receive payment from us.

Revenue calculator

Sign up to AdTonos and start to monetize your stream for free

Integration steps on the Service Provider side

  • As a streaming provider, register on the AdTonos platform first.
  • Install Drumbeat – the on-premise component.
  • Start inviting your publishers to register with the AdTonos platform and monetise their streams.

Integration steps on the Publisher side

  • As a publisher, register on the AdTonos platform first.
  • Upload ad intro and ad outro to AdTonos. It can be any audio 1-10 seconds long.
  • We start automatic audio content machine-learning analysis to learn your mixing style and detect ad breaks properly.
  • Your new output streaming link is generated, and your current streaming links have to be replaced by this new one.
  • As soon as you update ads.txt and implement JS on your side – we’re ready to go!

Required Actions on Your Side

AdTonos, as a member of IAB Europe, IAB UK and participant in the Transparency and Consent Framework of IAB, is devoted to transparency and end-user privacy. This is why we ask our Publishers to implement the following:

Ads.txt / Ads-App.txt

You would need to add us as a legitimate seller of your inventory in ads.txt Without that, we won’t be able to sell your inventory.

JS code / Mauid

We’ll ask you to place a short piece of JS code on your website or add MAUID to mobile requests sent to us. This will enable you to match ads with your audience.

Cookie consent

No need to do anything if your CCB is IAB compliant. Otherwise, we need to be added to your third-party cookie processing partners. Without that, we won’t be able to sell your inventory.

Publisher Dashboard

Inventory sales management

The best solution for any radio station

Free and easy sign up

Check your company details.

Provide stream details.

Fast installation

Insert your commercial break intro and outro into playlist to help us detect ad breaks*.

Make sure that intro and outro jingles would be used only to mark commercial break*.

*even no need to do that if you are a happy customer of QuantumCast

Reliable tracking

Update your ads.txt and add JS snippet to your website.

Each time an ad is played to a listener it is marked and saved to statistics.

Check your dashboard to analyse playout revenues.

Set preferences

Ad insertion in your ad breaks will start automatically.

In the Ad Preferences section, you can switch off ad categories that you would not like to be associated with your content.

… however please be advised that ads are user targeted (like AdWords).

You can also opt-out from every single campaign that runs on your inventory.

Ad type & quality

We offer standardised advertising slots. We accept mp3 files of 44kHz stereo quality, 128kpbs. Length tolerance +/- 1s.

Audio, radio & podcasts rule!

Slide 2
United States of America

of US adults 18 + listen to the radio every week


of Americans 12 + have listened to online audio in the last month


of Americans 12+ are aware of podcasts (estimated 241 million)


of Americans 12+ have listened to a podcast in the past month

Source: Statista, Edison Research 2024

Slide 1
United Kingdom

50 million people 15+ tuned into digital radio every week in Q1 2024


44 million people 15+ tune into digital radio every week via digital platforms


people in the UK 18+ are monthly podcast listeners and

746 M

hours are listened digital
in an average week

Source: Rajar, Edison Research, Ofcom, 2024

Slide 3

of the European adult population listen to radio weekly


of European youth population listen to radio weekly


people in Europe will listen to podcasts in 2024 according to EMARKETER

Source: The European Broadcasting Union 2021, EMARKETER 2024

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