Sandstorm TM

High UX audioads in mobile games

In-game audio ads!

Generating new revenues for publishers
and premium environments for brands.

Audio ads are played during the gameplay.

  • No more interruptive video ads!
  • Optional companion banners displayed on screen during the ad play
  • Playtime is typically 10-14 hours per week (11-14 hours in UK & US)
  • All age groups play and are targetable
  • Average age is 34 and 63% likely to be a woman, owning a house and having children
  • Puzzles, Quizzes, Casual, Simulator and strategic dominate

Benefits to advertisers

Brand safe

Mobile gaming is a very brand-safe channel because it does not contain user-generated content. Careful genre selection and whitelists prevent ads appearing in inappropriate gaming environments

High LTR

Audio ads will play so that the gamer is not interrupted. Ads will not be served to listeners on mute and 60% of listeners unmute games. Lack of interruption results
in high listen through rates.


Mobile game ads provide a greater sense of experience compared to other mobile ads. Users are actively involved in gameplay, in a state of leisure — an ideal environment to capture their attention

Better ROI

In-game ads make it possible for brands to engage with consumers through very focused, targeted promotional campaigns that incur lower upfront expenses and generate higher ROI 

Immense Reach

With mobile gaming audiences on course to hit 3.2 billion by the end of 2023, usage skyrocketing, and the sector’s ability to target with integrated brand placements, in-game ads provide brands with a highly cost-effective way to achieve both company and sales goals

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