As brands gear up for the back-to-school season, audio advertising emerges as a powerful tool to reach and engage consumers. Veritonic’s research highlights the significant impact of audio ads. 60% of consumers remember audio and podcast ads more than billboards. Nearly half (49%) recall audio ads more than display ads and 48% more than video ads. Additionally, a third of consumers remember audio ads over social media ads.

This memorability translates into higher purchase intent. Veritonic’s survey shows that 51% are more likely to purchase from an audio ad than a billboard ad and 40% over social media ads. Audio surpasses display and video ads, 38% and 34% more likely to lead to purchases. Read more about it in our previous blog article.

Veritonics’ latest research indicates that podcast ads are becoming increasingly popular compared to platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Key findings from the research are as follows:

  • 58% of consumers prefer podcast ads for back-to-school shopping
  • 75% of consumers favor podcast ads for holiday shopping
  • Consumers are more likely to make purchases from podcast ads that offer discounts, free shipping, and buy one, get one deals
  • 46% of consumers make purchases from podcast ads on desktops, while 39% do so on smartphones

These findings highlight the growing impact of podcasts on consumer decisions and provide valuable insights for advertisers looking to enhance their effectiveness during competitive periods.

With back-to-school sales expected to reach $81.16 billion, according to EMARKETER Forecast, leveraging audio advertising can be particularly effective. The season sees a notable shift toward online shopping, with 66.6% of consumers expected to shop online, including curbside pickup and click-and-collect options. The average consumer plans to spend $475, a 21.8% increase from last year, while still seeking value through sales and discounts.

Audio ads offer a unique advantage in capturing attention and driving purchase decisions, making them an essential component of back-to-school marketing strategies. Brands should consider utilising audio ads to enhance their reach and connect with value-focused shoppers during this peak season.

Why choose AdTonos for your back-to-school campaign?

  • Broad Reach: Engage with 141 millions of listeners across multiple audio formats and platforms.
  • Audio Inventory at Scale: Access 2.7 billion available playouts monthly.
  • Exclusive Inventory: 1.08 billion podcast playouts in the US
  • Premium Ad Quality: Enhanced audio ad sound thanks to our innovative Amplifier technology.
  • Curated PMP Deals: Reach the right audience with reasonable CPM.

In the competitive advertising landscape, AdTonos’ premium audio solutions ensure your message resonates with consumers. Harness the power of audio to drive your campaign’s success this back-to-school season.

Contact us here.

Download the Veritonic research here.

Source: Veritonic, EMARKETER