Mobile app monetisation solution.
Digital audio reaches consumers no matter their location, even if they’re on the go – at the gym, commuting to work, on a run, We offer you innovative tools to optimise your revenue and connect with advertisers around the world. Join AdTonos and integrate you audio mobile apps for free.

491 572 064
Total of played audio ads
Average CPM
US Market
Average Fill rate
US Market
Smart solution for audio mobile app publishers
Smart, intuitive and flexible audio monetisation solution for mobile apps publishers to accelerate revenue from their content:
- Offer real-time ads replacement for mid-rolls and pre-rolls insertion along with an ad server integrated with DSPs to deal on private and open markets, as well as provide direct sales.
- Detects ad breaks with high precision and exchanges broadcasted on-air commercial break into a targeted set of ads online with a positive listening experience for your users.
- Allows serving audio ads forward and backwards, while the music is playing in the background.
- Enables integration of your audio content in minutes thanks to innovative technology, no maintenance fees and no installation fees.
Start monetising your audio streams and maximise the revenue of audio mobile apps effortlessly and smoothly today.
Ad type & quality

We offer standardised advertising slots. We accept mp3 files of 44kHz stereo quality, 128kpbs. Length tolerance +/- 1s.
An 8s, 15s, 20s or 30s advertisement played before the expected audio content.
Available with any type of content.
An 8s, 15s, 20s or 30s advertisement played in the middle of listened audio content.
Available in music streaming, podcasts and audiobooks.
The 8s or 15s ad is the first ad in the block,
followed by the 20s and 30s ads.
Choosing the best integration type
It is important to decide which type of integration will be the best for your mobile app. This will determine the process of adding your mobile audio ads and helps you to monetise listeners.
Depending on the player type used by the mobile app you can choose from three integration options:
VAST integration
Requirements for Publisher:
VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) is the most popular standard for exchanging information about ads. Although initially it was prepared
for video this standard has also been adopted
for audio commercials.
VAST/DAAST integration
Requirements for Publisher:
DAAST (Digital Audio Ad Serving Template)
is a format very similar to VAST but specialises
in audio ads.
Playlist integration
Requirements for Publisher:
- A player that supports prepared stacked playlists (e.g. AmplitudeJS)
- Configured ads.txt
- For web player – JS tracking code
- For mobile app – pass Advertising ID
- Insert pre-roll URL to playlist in your player
- For Playlist integration only Pre-roll is available.
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