As the advertising landscape evolves, brands must reassess their media strategies. Veritonic’s latest research unveils the compelling advantages of audio advertising, offering fresh insights into consumer sentiment and optimal frequency practices. The statistics demonstrating the impact of audio ads on consumer behaviour are compelling. Audio advertising has significant potential for brands, especially for driving purchase intent and raising awareness. Understanding the optimal frequency and tailoring ads to consumer interests are key takeaways from this research.

60% of consumers remember audio and podcast ads more than billboards. Nearly half (49%) recall audio ads more than display ads and 48% more than video ads. Additionally, a third of consumers remember audio ads over social media ads.

This memorability translates into higher purchase intent. Veritonic’s survey shows that 51% are more likely to purchase from an audio ad than a billboard ad and 40% over social media ads. Audio surpasses display and video ads, with 38% and 34% more likely to lead to purchases, respectively.

The survey also delves into ad frequency, finding that 53% of consumers don’t mind hearing the same audio ad twice in one day, as it aids brand recall. However, more than three repetitions can be annoying, with 55% finding it bothersome and 36% less likely to purchase from such ads.

Some of the findings from the study

Audio ads have proven to be highly memorable:

  • 60% of consumers remember audio and podcast ads more than billboards.
  • 49% remember them more than display ads.
  • 48% remember them more than video ads.
  • 33% remember them more than social media ads.

Audio ads also play a crucial role in driving purchase decisions:

  • 51% of consumers are more likely to purchase from an audio ad than a billboard ad.
  • 40% are more likely to buy from an audio ad than a social media ad.
  • 38% are more likely to buy from an audio ad than a display ad.
  • 34% are more likely to buy from an audio ad than a video ad.

Consumers show a preference for learning about new products and services through audio ads:

  • 54% prefer audio ads over billboards.
  • 48% prefer audio ads over display ads.
  • 45% prefer audio ads over social media ads.
  • 35% prefer audio ads over video ads.

Consumers are enthusiastic about engaging with brands through audio. For brands new to audio advertising, tools like Creative Measurement and Brand Lift ensure targeted and effective ad campaigns.

“If your brand is prioritizing investments in outdoor, display, social, and video ads over audio, it’s time to reassess your media strategy,” Veritonic says in a summary of its findings.

Recent research from Veritonic illuminates the significant benefits of audio advertising, providing new insights into consumer sentiment, best practices for ad frequency, and the importance of audio testing.

Explore Veritonic’s Audio Ad Study for detailed insights and data here.

Source: Veritonic website