Monthly Archives: September 2024

Audio – The New Video for Advertisers

For decades, marketing has been synonymous with visuals. From images to videos, the evolution of visual content—reels, short videos, and memes—has dominated the communication landscape. But now, the tides are shifting. Slowly but surely, audio is emerging as a powerful tool in the world of marketing and advertising. The Rise of Audio in Marketing The

By |2024-09-26T11:22:05+01:00September 26th, 2024|From the market, News|Comments Off on Audio – The New Video for Advertisers

DMEXCO 2024: AI, Innovation, and the Rise of Retail Media

DMEXCO 2024 made a vibrant return to Koelnmesse last week, drawing some of the biggest names in ad tech for one of Europe's most anticipated industry conferences. But what exactly unfolded at this year’s event? John Still provides a comprehensive recap of the event in his article for ExchangeWire. As expected, AI stole the spotlight,

By |2024-10-02T16:43:25+01:00September 25th, 2024|From the market, News|Comments Off on DMEXCO 2024: AI, Innovation, and the Rise of Retail Media

The Podcast Audience: A Marketer’s Dream

Podcasts have become an essential part of daily life for millions worldwide, with over half a billion tuning in regularly. Yet despite the vast and growing audience, podcast advertising remains a largely underleveraged channel. With new research showing that podcast consumers are highly desirable for brands, the question is: why aren’t more companies investing in

By |2024-09-24T08:18:37+01:00September 23rd, 2024|From the market, News|Comments Off on The Podcast Audience: A Marketer’s Dream

AI goes to Work in Marketing Operations

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the marketing industry, bringing about significant changes in how businesses engage with their audience and optimize their strategies. From personalisation at scale to predictive analytics and automation, AI is driving efficiency and scalability while introducing new tools that redefine marketing practices. In this article, we'll explore the key trends and

By |2024-09-24T13:31:00+01:00September 20th, 2024|From the market, News|Comments Off on AI goes to Work in Marketing Operations

Women Shaping the Mobile Gaming Industry

While the stereotypical gamer is often perceived as a young male, the gaming industry is experiencing a significant shift in gender representation. Previously considered 'casual players' on the sidelines, women are now leading a revolution reshaping the sector. With almost half of all global gamers being female and their numbers continuing to rise, it's crucial

By |2024-09-18T15:48:28+01:00September 18th, 2024|From the market, News|Comments Off on Women Shaping the Mobile Gaming Industry

The Rapid Evolution of the Radio in The UK Through Data and AI

The radio industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by data technologies and artificial intelligence (AI). Listeners today expect highly tailored and personalised content, similar to their experiences when streaming music or podcasts. British radio stations are adapting to this shift by integrating AI to deliver more customised experiences to their audiences. This transformation ensures

By |2024-09-18T15:47:59+01:00September 16th, 2024|From the market, News|Comments Off on The Rapid Evolution of the Radio in The UK Through Data and AI

Enhancing Addressability, Targeting, and Measurement

As the role of cookies diminishes and audience data signals face challenges, marketers are increasingly turning to AI to enhance addressability, targeting, and measurement in their advertising strategies. With AI driving significant transformations in programmatic advertising, the industry is witnessing a shift towards audience targeting without cookies, leveraging real-time data processing to optimise targeting and

By |2024-09-24T17:16:16+01:00September 13th, 2024|From the market, News|Comments Off on Enhancing Addressability, Targeting, and Measurement

The gaming industry, a resilient hub of innovation and growth

The gaming industry remains a resilient hub of innovation and growth, as evident in the latest findings from Newzoo's Global Games Market Report 2024. With a comprehensive analysis of the PC, console, and mobile gaming markets, the report paints a promising picture of the industry's future. In the current year, Newzoo has enhanced this segment

By |2024-09-04T14:22:25+01:00September 11th, 2024|From the market, News|Comments Off on The gaming industry, a resilient hub of innovation and growth

The Rise of Superapps and Their Impact on Digital Experiences

In a world where many apps and digital platforms are vying for our attention, super apps have emerged as a potential solution to simplify and streamline our digital experiences. Superapps, which integrate multiple functions such as messaging, payments, shopping, and more into a single platform, have the potential to revolutionise the way we interact with

By |2024-09-04T14:23:10+01:00September 9th, 2024|From the market, News|Comments Off on The Rise of Superapps and Their Impact on Digital Experiences

Programmatic Media Buy: The Power of Emerging Channels

In the ever-evolving advertising world, connecting with consumers across various channels is crucial to staying relevant and impactful. While many marketers are familiar with traditional channels such as social media, display advertising, and connected TV (CTV), it's essential to recognise the potential of emerging channels in programmatic media buying. In today’s blog post, we'll explore

By |2024-09-04T14:24:05+01:00September 6th, 2024|From the market, News|Comments Off on Programmatic Media Buy: The Power of Emerging Channels
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