Monthly Archives: October 2021

Paul Cranwell, former Managing Director of UK’s audio agency Radio Works, joins AdTonos to accelerate the global growth of the company

Digital audio advertising platform, AdTonos appoints Paul Cranwell as Senior VP of Strategic Partnership to its team. London, UK, 5 October 2021 – AdTonos, run by Radio Net Media which successfully monetizes podcasts, audiobooks, music and radio streams of over 200 recognised publishers across the UK, EU, LATAM and the US, has appointed Paul Cranwell

By |2021-10-27T20:31:38+01:00October 5th, 2021|Press release|0 Comments

Paul Cranwell joined AdTonos as VP of Strategic Partnership

AdTonos appoints Paul Cranwell as VP of Strategic Partnership to its team. Paul is a partnerships and business development specialist with over 25 years leading teams in digital, traditional media and advertising in both media owner and marketing agency positions. Paul’s relationship development experience is both global and UK based focusing on sales development, marketing,

By |2021-10-22T09:17:57+01:00October 5th, 2021|From the market, News|0 Comments
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