Monthly Archives: May 2021

Is the Car Dashboard Radio’s Next Battlefield?

That's question is asking Ruxandra Obreja, Chairmen of Digital Radio Mondiale in the article in RadioWorld on May 24th, 2021. The author considers whether DRM's (digital transmission system intended for use in the existing broadcasting bands below 30 MHz, long, medium and short waves, AdTonos note) tech features can make it more attractive for hybrid

By |2021-10-22T08:34:25+01:00May 31st, 2021|From the market, News|0 Comments

Cookie-less world. What are the alternatives?

What Google’s cookie-less privacy measures mean for marketers and what is the alternative in the cookie-less world has summarised Lee Wilson, Head of services at Vertical Leap, in the article in The Drum. "Google’s phasing out of third-party cookies is well documented and the entire industry is speculating what this transition will mean for marketers

By |2021-10-22T08:35:49+01:00May 15th, 2021|From the market, News|0 Comments
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