Monthly Archives: January 2020

The place of audio in marketing in 2020 and beyond

From the marketing underdog in recent years, audio goes on to become the new favourite of a lot of marketers. And even if we’re not there yet (and might not be for a long time) when it comes to smart speakers and voice assistants for shopping, online radio ads have made a breakthrough and are

By |2021-10-10T17:47:22+01:00January 30th, 2020|News|0 Comments

New Office in the new year!

New Year's resolutions already made? Let's see. Come and meet us at our new office! Now let's focus on something more challenging: lose weight, exercise more and... bring a billion playouts to the market.

By |2021-10-10T17:50:38+01:00January 9th, 2020|News|0 Comments
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